Here we have general tour information and files plus links to pages with relevant information about Brazil and everything else related to trips and travel in general. This list will grow with time.

USEFUL FILES (available upon request)

Tour Info and Tips
General Items and Photo Equipment Tips
Tour Registration
Brochure - Chapada Diamantina
Brochure - Serra do Espinhaço


CDC - - This is the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention page about traveling to Brazil. This is an extremely detailed page complete with lots of information, travel checklist etc; it is useful for travelers from all over the world and not just from the U.S.

IBGE - - This is the English version page of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). The site also have versions in Portuguese (of course) and Spanish that can be selected from little links on the top black bar. If you want to know about Brazil, all the information is there - a daunting lot of information. But no, they don't tell you where the orchids are or anyhting about them for that matter.